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Use with caution.
These public beta programs contain new fixes and new features that may not be fully tested. I need you to tell me if you find any problems with these program or even if the changes listed work as you expect.

joejoe Nov-14-15 2:32 AM UTC

v1.00 - Test 7

[download replaced by official release version]

- added a Test Command window

- minor tweaks

joejoe Nov-12-15 3:04 PM UTC

v1.00 - Test 6

[download replaced by above version]

- added support "Explorer" commands and
- added support to insert Explorer raw code
- added registered file types insert button/window

joejoe Nov-09-15 8:08 PM UTC

v1.00 - Test 5

[download replaced by above version]

- stability issue after multiple events

- added Ctrl+Click to the About button to show the Debug log

joejoe Nov-08-15 7:22 PM UTC

v1.00 - Test 4

[download replaced by above version]

- error message when closing

- all features are now implemented
- some UI tweaks
- more INI settings
- added a delay to allow changes to queue before executing

NOTES: This is now a Beta. All features have been completed.

joejoe Nov-08-15 2:59 AM UTC

v1.00 - Test 3

[download replaced by above version]

- updated interface
- added right-click menu
- main form shown automatically at startup if list is empty

- issue with folders ending with a slash
- issue with caption after folder to monitor is changed

joejoe Nov-07-15 3:28 PM UTC

v1.00 - Test 2

[download replaced by above version]

- prevented multiple instances from being run
- added some INI settings

joejoe Nov-06-15 4:10 AM UTC

v1.00 - Test 1

[download replaced by above version]

NOTES: This is a prototype. While mostly functional, some options have not yet been programmed.

Older Items

Got an idea for improvement, a bug to report? Just want to say hello? Send me your feedback.
I can be contacted at jackass.joejoe@gmail.com English only please.