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These programs aren't updated very frequently and aren't very popular, yet here they are - just begging for a home.

RDilly was designed to make a backup of just the registry hives for Win2K and WinXP. It was designed to work in a batch file for automated backups.

StartRight was designed to start up a system smoother. The PreFetch routine in WinXP made the program less needed. Vista's new architecture made it impossible to run and SuperFetch made the program unneeded. It's download links have been removed, since it hasn't been supported in a very long time. The pages are left for achiving purposes.

Eventlog Dump was a batch file program for dumping a remote machine's (NT/Win2K) event log into a text file.

Jack*ass Saver is just an OpenGL screensaver. It was more of an experiment in game engines and a proof of concept.

JJJExec was a GUI designed to feed computer names to PSExec on a Win2K network. The main purpose was to batch execute commands on many machines at once.

OkayKeybees was a specialized keyboard remapper that could be used to only remap keys when a modifier was held. This, also, was a proof of concept that could be used for typing with a single hand.

JumpListDo was a prototype program for Win7 that was never officially released. It's purpose was to add Jumplist support and icon stacking to programs that don't support it, like the command prompt. While functional, there wasn't enough interest to expand on it.

Got an idea for improvement, a bug to report? Just want to say hello? Send me your feedback.
I can be contacted at jackass.joejoe@gmail.com English only please.