Rated 5 stars at SnapFiles
   Shareware and Freeware

This Month's Donators V. Richards C. Silverio (P. Borisoff -- last month's top donator $20) ... more PayPal


joejoe Apr-21-15 10:42 PM UTC

Getting Older Versions

To preserve bandwidth, older versions of the programs are not directly available on this website. Donators, however, have access to the archive of previous versions.

Logon credentials will be made available manually for donators as needed via email.

joejoe Jul-11-24 11:16 PM UTC

Previous Version Availability

For all future releases, the previous version will also be available for download. This is for safety and convenience. If the new release has an issue, users can still get the previous release without having to wait for me to issue a hotfix release. While this does mean that I might not get notification from some users about issues, I think it's a good tradeoff for a better overall user experience.

For example, ArsClip 3.18 is the current release version, but the previous version 3.17 is still available. The Public Beta, version 3.19, is also available for those that want try upcoming features or fixes for issues being experienced.

Got an idea for improvement, a bug to report? Just want to say hello? Send me your feedback.
I can be contacted at jackass.joejoe@gmail.com English only please.