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Programs and internet connections

Each program on this site with an "About" window has a clickable URL back to this site (seen as "http://www.joejoesoft.com" or "http://jackass.arsware.org" on older programs). The program associated with the "http:" protocol is started with this URL. This source code can be found in the unit named "UnitFrmAbout.pas" in the source code archives of each program. In newer programs, there is also a 'Check for Update' button that will read the current version information from the website.

Older versions of ArsClip had a "Report Error" window that asks the user if they wish to send data to my site and the exact data it wishes to send. The data consists of the version of ArsClip and the name of the executable that was reported as the clipboard "owner". This dialog is clearly marked with "Privacy Information" concerns and the code for this action can be found in the unit named UnitReportError.pas in the source code archive.

Email Addresses

Your email address is added to my e-mail program's contact list when I reply to an email you have sent to me. It is kept for my personal use only. Though email content may be vaguely (and anonymously) mentioned, I consider it confidential.

Website information gathered

My website gathers information and statistics about the connections made to my website. This information, like that gathered by the popular program Webalizer , is used to generate reports for my personal use.

The HTTP_REFERER http field sent by your browser is inspected and required to download files from my site to prevent "hot-linking" from external websites.

Third party programs
There are no third party programs included or embedded with any program on this site. Newer versions of ArsClip contain the open source SQLite DLL for storing clip data.

Got an idea for improvement, a bug to report? Just want to say hello? Send me your feedback.
I can be contacted at jackass.joejoe@gmail.com English only please.