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joejoe Jun-12-13 8:56 PM UTC


This page is just a place to read about random ideas and possible changes. Currently, only 2 programs are in active development.

Ignore the date in the header on these posts. I'm having to manually add the last edit date in the content of the post.

joejoe Jun-12-13 9:33 PM UTC

Rename Master List

Last Edit: Jan-03-2025

Version 4.00 Plans

- investigate a way to specify a single file to run with a script
- update command line logic to detect a list of folders

- make a new JavaScript Renaming Step
- update form generation for increased performance
- fully remove "old" interface and support for very, very old script (for increased performance)
- replace "Show Recursive List Again" with an embedded alert
- new Number Math step? (might implement this in the JavaScript Renaming Step)
- new shortcut key to rename and close the program

Future Ideas
- keyboard navigation for the Breadcrumb address bar?
- maybe have a command line option to override the "Files/Folders" filter for the file list?
- have a way to navigate collisions/illegal files in the file list

joejoe Jun-12-13 9:53 PM UTC

ArsClip List

Last Edit: Nov-06-2024

Version 5.42 Plans

No plans made yet.


- Add Ctrl+Space keystroke for JavaScript Permanent Clips

There's currently no easy way to indent code. I've tested this in RenameMaster and it works well.

Future Ideas

- Find a way to scale the HTML output

For the Tooltip Hint, the font settings only work for plain text items. Find a way to scale the output based on the desired font size.

- HTML Clip compatible results area for the Edit Permanent Clip window

There is currently no way to use the integrated "Run" menu to view HTML results. This makes the new JavaScript get/set HTML clipboard routines are hard to debug directly in this edit window.

- custom Tooltip Hint format

- ability to drag Popup Clips to the Pinned Clips list to move them

joejoe Jun-12-13 9:53 PM UTC

NewFileGo List

Last Edit: Jul-11-2024

Next version plans

There are currently no plans for new features. Currently, only bug reports are being addressed.

Ideas for improvements are still welcome and this program is still being developed.





joejoe Jun-12-13 10:01 PM UTC

Mouse Wrangler List

Last Edit: Jul-11-2024

Next version plans

There are currently no plans for new features. Currently, only bug reports are being addressed.




- Monitor position sensitive gestures

Swipes at the Top/Bottom/Left/Right the monitor would be context sensitive (or special).

joejoe Jun-12-13 10:03 PM UTC

RatTrap List

No longer in development and no longer addressing bug fixes.

joejoe Jun-12-13 10:05 PM UTC


No longer in development.

joejoe Jul-23-13 2:55 PM UTC

RSS Zing

No longer in development.

Older Items

Got an idea for improvement, a bug to report? Just want to say hello? Send me your feedback.
I can be contacted at jackass.joejoe@gmail.com English only please.