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joejoe Nov-04-05 11:32 PM UTC

The joejoesoft.com RSS Feed

Public RSS v2.0 feed. This feed monitors the entire website for new posts.

http://joejoesoft.com/cms/headerfooter/rss_icon.jpg http://www.joejoesoft.com/cms/rss/items.php

For subscribing to a single page, a link is now displayed on each page.

Private feed for beta testers and admins (requires logon)

What is RSS?
RSS is an easy way for you to keep updated automatically on websites you like. Instead of going to a websites to see if they've something new, you can use an RSS reader to tell you what's new.

Web browsers and clients, like Opera, newer versions of Internet Explorer, and Thunderbird, have a built in reader; however, you there are quite a few free programs about here snapfiles.com

Got an idea for improvement, a bug to report? Just want to say hello? Send me your feedback.
I can be contacted at jackass.joejoe@gmail.com English only please.