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joejoe Nov-16-12 12:56 AM UTC

Overview (v3.3 and above)


(1) - Path Control

Used for folder and drive navigation.

(2) - File List

Used to display, sort, and check/uncheck files.

(3) - Display Options

Used to change what is shown in the file list.

(4) - Script Utilities

Used to add new Steps to the current script, load a new script, and perform other actions.

(5) - Script Buttons

Used to update the preview, perform a rename, or undo one or more renames.

(6) - Renaming Steps

Used to set the renaming options used and to order them.

(7) - Resize Splitter

Used to resize the panels on either side of the splitter.

joejoe Nov-16-12 12:29 AM UTC

File List - Columns


Right-clicking on the columns in the File List will display a popup menu. This menu is used to hide or show columns, set the sizes of each column, or add custom columns to display file tags.

joejoe Nov-16-12 12:13 AM UTC

Renaming Script - mouse clicks (v3.3 and above)


The Renaming Script uses checkboxes to enable and disable each Step in the current script. Clicking elsewhere on a Step will expand to show its settings. Right-clicking on a step will show a popup menu used to move a step, reset it to the default settings, or delete the step from the current script.

Each step can also be dragged to be moved, instead of using the right-click menu.

joejoe Nov-16-12 12:03 AM UTC

File List - Context Menu/File Tags


Right-clicking on a file in the file list will show a context popup menu. This menu is used to check/uncheck multiple selected files, move files up or down in the list, and so on.

Shown above is how the File Tags window is displayed. The File Tags menu is very useful for displaying and copying the supported tag variables found in each file. Currently supported file types are JPEG, MP3, and video files like AVI/MP4/MPEG/WMV.

joejoe Nov-16-12 12:00 AM UTC

File List Display Options (ver 3.3 and above)


The tabs are used to change what items are shown in the file list. By default, only Files are shown, but only Folders or a combination of Files and Folders can be displayed. Double-clicking on a folder in the File List will change the current folder, just like in Explorer.


The Filter option, when clicked, will change into an edit mode. In this mode, a filemask can be manually typed or the Set Filter button will display a popup menu of common examples. The "filter.ini" text file can be customized to add any additional filemasks.

joejoe Nov-15-12 11:43 PM UTC

Path Control - Breadcumb Navigation


The Path control works very similar to Explorer's breadcrumb control in Window Vista and above. Clicking on a folder name button will change to that folder. Clicking the small arrow button for each folder will show a list of all subfolders and the back arrow button next to the drive button will show a list of all drives on the system.


Clicking in a blank area of the Path control turns it into an editbox, used for manually typing or pasting UNCs, network shares, and paths. The down arrow button, in this edit view, will show a history of currently visited folders.


The Folder Tools button shows a popup menu containing utility functions for the current folder. The recent folder history is also available in this location. The Subfolder Scan option shows a recursive file list of all subfolders.

Got an idea for improvement, a bug to report? Just want to say hello? Send me your feedback.
I can be contacted at jackass.joejoe@gmail.com English only please.