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joejoe Feb-16-09 12:24 AM UTC

Changes in version 1.1

Download rmoptional11.zip

Fix: various bug fixes

NOTES: You must first run "RightClickUninstall" before replacing with this new version. Then, follow the same installation as shown for version 1.0 (below).

This only works for 32-Bit versions of Windows.

EDIT: Newer versions of RM can select files using the files found on the clipboard. This is the recommended way select files in Explorer and "import" the selection in RM>

joejoe Jul-12-07 9:56 PM UTC

Changes in v1.0

This is an optional installable Explorer addon. It is shown when more than one file is selected on the main right-click menu and is always shown in the Send To - as shown in the image below.

Both commands will open Rename Master with the selected files checked. One major difference is that the Send To option will show the files in the order you selected the files, instead of the order shown in the window.

This addon solves the problem where the selected list of files can be too long to be handled by the old "Send To" method Rename Master used.

Install Instructions:
Extact all files to the same folder Rename Master is located and run the RightClickInstall executable.

Requires version 2.7.5 or above of Rename Master.


Got an idea for improvement, a bug to report? Just want to say hello? Send me your feedback.
I can be contacted at jackass.joejoe@gmail.com English only please.