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Use with caution.
These public beta programs contain new fixes and new features that haven't been fully tested. I need you to tell me if you find any problems with these program or even if the changes listed work as you expect.

joejoe Jan-24-25 7:59 PM UTC

Changes in v5.42 - Test 2

Download acv542-t2.zip

Fix: AutoSaveTimeMS was always overwritten with default value

joejoe Nov-10-24 12:33 AM UTC

Changes in v5.42 - Test 1

[download replaced by above version]

Fix: [DISABLEMONITORING] command not storing proper state after running the macro

joejoe Aug-20-24 7:46 PM UTC

Changes in v5.41 - Test 15

[download replaced by above version]

(Window: Tooltip Hint)
Fix: issue with HTML viewer stalling on malformed links

NOTES: Release Candidate 1

joejoe Aug-08-24 7:45 PM UTC

Changes in v5.41 - Test 14

[download replaced by above version]

(Window: Popup)
Fix: Pinned Clip shortcut issues
Fix: Configuration option to always show filter option broke
Fix: spacebar symbol now shown when a popup shortcut is a space

NOTES: I'm unsure when I changed Pinned Clips to show as part of Clip Sets. This change, however, broke the option to always show the Filter textbox. Showing shortcut keys for Pinned Clips also broke with this change.

joejoe Jul-27-24 8:52 PM UTC

Changes in v5.41 - Test 13

[download replaced by above version]

Fix: new clip event broke (cause in previous beta)

joejoe Jul-24-24 6:48 PM UTC

Changes in v5.41 - Test 12

[download replaced by above version]

(Window: Edit Permanent Clips)
Fix: Program Options issue when using SHOWPOPUPMENU command (caused in previous beta)
Fix: tweaks to visuals/wordings

(Window: Edit Clips/Macros window)
Fix: tweaks to visuals/wordings

(Window: Configuration)
Fix: missing [HIDDEN] variables added to help section

joejoe Jul-23-24 11:09 PM UTC

Changes in v5.41 - Test 11

[download replaced by above version]

(Window: Tooltip Hint)
Fix: improved positioning for larger sizes

(Window: Edit Permanent Clip)
Fix: Added Clip Menu only commands to context sensitive help

joejoe Jul-21-24 10:15 PM UTC

Changes in v5.41 - Test 10

[download replaced by above version]

(Window: Tooltip Hint)
New: show SourceURL if available in the HTML Clips

(Window: Configuration)
New: Clip Menu option to expand menus by default

joejoe Jul-19-24 7:51 PM UTC

Changes in v5.41 - Test 9

[download replaced by above version]

(Window: Edit Permanent Clip)
New: "Auto-Generate Menu Caption" added to File Menu with shortcut (CTRL+M)

(Window: Popup)
New: Added "Program Options > Ignore Clips" for a program specific way to ignore specific clip types

(Window: Configuration)
Fix: Menu Item sorting issue on load

joejoe Jul-18-24 10:29 PM UTC

Changes in v5.41 - Test 8

[download replaced by above version]

(Window: Edit Permanent Clips)
New: "Permanent Clips" JavaScript routines
Fix: Permanent Clips/Macros tab not resizing correctly (caused in a previous Beta update)

Fix: Tooltip size in ArsClip.ini can now exceed max (UDToolHeight, UDToolWidth)

Older Items

Got an idea for improvement, a bug to report? Just want to say hello? Send me your feedback.
I can be contacted at jackass.joejoe@gmail.com English only please.